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Sun-Thu: 8 am to 3 pm - Sat-Fri: Closed



PSU faculty members receive different kinds of funding to conduct their research and publish papers. The fund provided comes into different forms including but not limited to:

  • Payment of the publication fees.

  • Research grants for seed projects.

  • Publication incentives.

  • Research resources (computers, Internet, facilities, labs, full-time researchers, …).

It is important to provide an acknowledgement to Prince Sultan University in each publication as a recognition of the funding provided for conducting research.

General note. It is possible to ACK the collaborators universities based on their level of funding and contribution.

In what follows, we provide different possible statements for each possible case.

Case 1. PSU Pays the publication fees

The authors would like to acknowledge the support of Prince Sultan University for paying the Article Processing Charges (APC) of this publication.

Case 2. The publication is related to a research project funded by PSU

This work was supported by the research grants [name]; Prince Sultan University; Saudi Arabia [grant number xxx] (e.g. COVID19-DES-2020-{EASYCHAIRNUMBER}.)

Case 3. PSU pays publication incentives

It is required to make an acknowledgment to PSU in any publication to be eligible for incentives and fees.To make an acknowledgement to PSU, please consider this sample statement: The author would like to thank Prince Sultan University for their support.

Case 4. You did not request any kind of fund from PSU

In this case, the authors have the freedom whether to add an ACK to PSU or not, although it is still recommended to do so.

© Research and Initiative Center